These are the Training Participants from the Legacy Training System.

This module will introduce you to rod mill, ball mill, and AG/SAG mill power draw. Please note, that this module was originally created for plants with rod and ball mills. Those types of mills are very similar in that the steel media dominate their power draw characteristics. Rod and ball mill power draw calculations are covered in Parts I and II. Subsequently, AG/SAG mill power draw calculations were added, and presented in Part III.

At the end of this module, you will be able to: 

  • Differentiate between "energy consumed" and "power drawn" by grinding mills. 
  • Calculate the approximate power draw of operating mills given basic design and operating conditions. 
  • Calculate the approximate power draw of operating AG/SAG mills given basic
  • design and operating conditions, with emphasis on the relative proportion of slurry, rock, and balls in the mill. 
  • Specify practical means (and limitations) to increase the power draw of operating rod mills and ball mills in the plant. 

There is no prerequisite to this module. The estimated time to complete this module is 2.5 hours.

The Metcom System comprises a set of analytical techniques that collectively provide for overall technical and economic management of grinding operations in mineral processing plants. This module will introduce you to the Metcom System. 

At the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • State the purpose of the Metcom System.
  • Identify the three essential elements of the Metcom System.
  • Identify the two major sources of complexity in grinding process analysis.
  • Identify the main characteristics of the Metcom System.
  • Distinguish between analytical and simulation-based solutions.
  • List the four characteristics of useful process parameters. 

The estimated time to complete this module is 0.75 hours.