Training Programs
All programs Include one-time registration and online access fee of $215.
Participants  already enrolled can deduct this amount.

Prerequisites  Price
Complete Metcom Training Program (Modules 1-22) This program includes all training modules and covers various types of grinding circuit configurations. 64 none $4,435
Classification System Efficiency (CSE) Training Program
(Modules 5, 7, 8 ,9, 18) This program provides all the steps to calculate and increase the Classification System Efficiency (CSE) of ball milling circuits.
16 none $1,439
Evaluation of Autogenous and Semi-Autogenous Grinding
(Module 22) This single-module program provides essential knowledge and skills to effectively manage AG/SAG circuit processing performance. It includes 3 prefaces that address (S)AG mill power draw, (S)AG power and charge level measurements, and Work Index Analysis of (S)AG-ball milling.
4 none $499
Slurry Pumping Program
(Module 9) This single-module program covers slurry pumping systems, allowing you to characterize slurry pump performance and make adjustments to achieve desired performance.
4 none $499
Measures of Industrial Grinding Efficiency (Modules 4, 5) This two-module program addresses Work Index calculations for evaluating grinding circuit efficiency as well as Functional Performance Analysis of ball mill circuits. 6 none $649
Functional Performance of Ball Milling Circuits
(Module 5) In this single module program, you will learn how to characterize the performance of ball mill circuits using the Functional Performance Equation.
2.5 none $429
Mass Balance Calculations & Computer Program
(Module 16, includes mass balance program) With this program, you will be able to calculate the mass balance of closed grinding circuits. The program requires Microsoft Exceltm to run.
1 none $875
Managing Metallurgist Program
(Modules 1, 4, 5, 6, 21, 22) This training program is designed for plant managers involved with the grinding circuit. It addresses key topics to assist management staff with decisions relating to grinding process improvement. This Includes: Introduction to the Metcom System, Work Index Efficiency, Functional Performance Analysis, Plant Economics, Grind Control, and the Evaluation (S)AG Grinding.
15.75 none $1385

Individual Training ModulesEstimated
Prerequisite ModulesCEUs*Price
Registration Fee: (Required for all online training, valid for 12 months) A one-time registration fee is due for online access to all training materials. Login credentials are valid for 12 months, after which an online access renewal fee of $195/year is required to maintain access.none$215
Participant Guide: Included with all training, this guide describes the main characteristics of the Program and provides information on your future study plans, certification, copyrights and other important subjects. General listing of all the technical references listed in the modules along with a general glossary of key words and expressions is included.0.50none0.1$0
Documentation Guide: This Documentation Guide will help you organize all the information and data that will be used to apply the Metcom System to your grinding circuits.0.50none$76
Module 1 – Introduction to the Metcom System: This module will introduce you to the Metcom System. It explains the technical and economic reasons for applying the Metcom System to plant grinding operations.0.75none0.1$76
Module 2 – Mill Power Draw: This module provides detailed instruction for determining mill power draw characteristics and capabilities for rod, ball and AG/SAG mills.2.50none0.3$153
Module 3 – Power & Charge Level Measurements: In this module, you will learn how to measure the power draw and volumetric loading of your mills from plant readings and measurements.2.5020.3$153
Module 4 – Work Index Efficiency: In this module, you will learn about Work Index calculations for evaluating grinding circuit efficiency, as initially developed by Mr. Fred Bond.3.50none0.4$219
Module 5 – Functional Performance of Ball Milling: In this module, you will learn how to characterize the performance of ball mill circuits using the Functional Performance Equation.2.50none0.3$219
Module 6 – Grinding & Plant Economics: In this module, you will learn how to relate grinding efficiency to grinding costs and estimate the value of the grinding circuit product in your plant. You will be able to evaluate the effects of changes in plant tonnage and grind, and evaluate different ways of exploiting improvements in grinding efficiency.3.0010.3$219
Module 7 – Hydrocyclone Performance: In this module you will learn about the hydrocyclone and how to characterize hydrocyclone performance.3.00none0.3$219
Module 8 – Hydrocyclone Adjustments: This module presents you with a systematic method by which you can achieve desired hydrocyclone performance.4.0070.5$285
Module 9 – Slurry Pumping: In this module you will become familiar with slurry pumping systems, how to characterize slurry pump performance and how to make adjustments to achieve desired performance.4.00none0.5$285
Module 10 – Existing & Required Data: In this module, you will find a summary of the existing and required information you need on the grinding circuit in your plant to achieve improvements in grinding performance. In particular, you will learn how to compile relevant existing data on grinding circuits and identify the data required from grinding circuit surveys.1.0010.1$76
Module 11 – Plant Sampling Guide & Circuit Surveys: In this module you will learn how to design and execute grinding circuit surveys in your plant in order to meet the requirements of the Metcom System.2.00 1, 100.2$153
Module 12 – Sample Handling & Analyses: In this module you will learn how to handle and analyze ore and slurry samples.3.50none0.4$285
Module 13 – Introduction to Grindability Testing: The objective of this module is to introduce you to grindability testing. You will learn how to select the appropriate test for your needs.1.0010.1$76
Module 14 – Bond Grindability Tests: The objective of this module is for you to be able to perform Bond rod mill and ball mill grindability tests.2.50120.3$219
Module 15 – Batch Grindability Tests: In this module, you will learn how to design and perform on-site batch grindability tests.3.50 12, 130.4$285
Module 16 – Mass Balance Calculations/Computer Program: In this module you will learn how to mass balance grinding circuit survey data using the Metcom Mass Balance Computer Program which is included with the module.1.00110.1$659
Module 17 – Evaluation of Rod Milling: Upon completion of this module you will be able to evaluate existing and alternative rod mill circuit design and operating variables in terms of their effects on rod mill grinding efficiency.2.00 3, 4, 6 , 110.2$153
Module 18 – Evaluation of Circuit Classification: Once you have completed this module, you will be able to evaluate existing and alternative ball mill circuit design and operating variables in terms of their effects on the classification system efficiency of a ball mill circuit.2.50 5, 6, 80.3$219
Module 19 – Evaluation of Ball Mill Grinding: In this module, you will learn how to evaluate existing and alternative ball mill circuit design and operating variables in terms of their effects on ball mill grinding efficiency.2.00 1, 2 , 5, 6, 8, 180.2$153
Module 20 – Evaluation of Circuit Arrangements: Once you have completed this module, you will be able to evaluate existing and alternative grinding circuit arrangements in terms of their effect on grinding circuit efficiency.4.001, 2, 4, 5, 6,
17, 18, 19
Module 21 – Grinding Circuit Control: In this module you will learn how to define the purposes of grinding process control, identify disturbances and suitable corrective actions, specify a control system, and estimate the economic benefits of improved control.2.001, 5, 6, 7, 80.2$153
Module 22 – Evaluation of Autogenous and Semi-Autogenous Grinding: Developed for plant metallurgical staff and operations management, as well as those who support them (e.g., technical departments and suppliers). This module provides essential knowledge and a set of skills to effectively manage AG/SAG circuit processing performance.4.00**none$285
Registration Fee (Required for all online training, valid for 12 months) A one-time registration fee is due for online access to all training materials. Login credentials are valid for 12 months, after which an online access renewal fee of $195/year is required to maintain access.$215
Online Access Renewal Fee ( 12 months) Required to maintain access to online training materials after the initial 12 month access included in registration fee.$195