Who we are
Metcom is the world leader in training and knowledge transfer in mineral grinding circuits. Our comprehensive online training program is proven to deliver significant improvements in grinding performance and reduced operational costs.
Our mission
Metcom’s core philosophy is based on empowerment. We deliver the required hands-on skills to those working with mineral grinding circuits so they can achieve world-class performance from their operations.
Our expertise
Covers all aspects of improving the processing performance of plant grinding and classification circuits. Our systematic approach features Functional Performance Analysis of Ball Milling. This breakthrough technology developed by Metcom has been implemented at numerous operations across the planet.
Need help with a business case for investing in Metcom training?
We know that getting approval for training can sometimes be challenging. To help you in presenting a compelling business case to your manager, we have prepared a template.
This business case highlights how your employer will get a significant return on their investment by sponsoring your training.
Simply download the template document, fill in the blanks and email to your manager.

*Engineering Institute of Canada
Certified Training
*Metcom’s specialized training program is certified by the EIC and is available ONLINE! It includes all the steps of the Metcom Grinding Process Management System.
Demystify the Grinding Process!
Join over one thousand metallurgists who are improving grinding circuit performance with the Metcom System
Metcom News Posts
- Process performance considerations of AG/SAG milling circuits
- Metcom’s study on ball mill coarse particle retention featured in Engineering & Mining Journal (E&MJ)
- The Essential Grind: What every metallurgist needs to read when it comes to comminution
- The CEEC Medal for Operations awarded to Kyle Bartholomew, Rob McIvor, and Omar Arafat from Metcom Technologies
- Metcom Featured in Mining Engineering Magazine
The Metcom Grinding Bulletin
1. Quickly and accurately determine your “Circulating Load Ratio”
2. Quickly determine your fineness of grind
3. Why do we see an increase in ball mill power draw when we turn off the feed?
4. Why do we need such a high recirculating load in our ball mill?
5. What exactly is ‘Work Index’ and how can I make use of it?
6. Calculate the ‘Work Index Efficiency’ of your grinding circuit
7. How can we reduce operating costs with little or no capital?
8. How cyclone water usage can be used to increase ball mill circuit efficiency