The Coalition for Energy Efficient Comminution (CEEC) has today announced the recipients of its prestigious 2019 CEEC Medals. The CEEC Medal is granted annually to authors of outstanding papers that present innovative approaches to enhancing energy efficiency in comminution and mineral processing.
The CEEC Medal for Operations was awarded to Kyle Bartholomew, Rob McIvor and Omar Arafat from Metcom Technologies, Grand Rapids, Minnesota, USA for their publication: A guide to maximising ball mill circuit classification system efficiency (CSE), for operators and equipment designers.
Dr Pokrajcic said papers published up to 18 months prior to the application deadline were eligible for the award.
“The Evaluation Committee closely considered a number of high-quality nominations from leading global industry experts before shortlisting two research papers and three operations papers,” she said.
The winning Operations Medal paper by Bartholomew, McIvor and Arafat was presented at the 14thAusIMM Mill Operators’ Conference in Brisbane in August 2018.
Dr Pokrajcic said the paper provided a useful methodology for measuring and improving classification efficiency in a grinding circuit, highlighting the importance of classification in comminution circuits to improve efficiency and productivity. The paper’s case study measured an almost 25% increase in the generation of new -25 micron material following an increase in ball mill re-circulating load and optimising cyclone performance. The three authors from Metcom Technologies are highly regarded contributors to the field of comminution efficiency, last year publishing (along with Jim Finch) a paper on ball mill classification system optimisation that was Highly Commended by the CEEC Medal judges.
“This year’s exceptional CEEC Medal winning paper by Bartholomew, McIvor and Arafat provides a succinct, clear, systematic approach to practical operational improvements that not only helps inform operations of the efficiencies that can be achieved, but also demonstrates the economic case for change,” Dr Pokrajcic said.
“Congratulations to the winning authors Laureate Professor Graeme Jameson and Dr Cagri Emer from the University of Newcastle in Australia, and to Kyle Bartholomew, Rob McIvor and Omar Arafat from Metcom Technologies in the United States.”
“The CEEC Board thanks the successful authors and each of the nominees for their important research efforts and case studies. These publications, shared widely via CEEC’s global network, provide tangible value by helping operators, researchers and METS companies take steps to operate more efficiently while reducing their energy usage, footprint and costs,” Ms Keogh said.
To find out more about the CEEC Medal visit www.ceecthefuture.org/ceec-medal
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